After months of speculation, Pokémon Go creator Niantic Labs has finally released Ditto into the wild.
Ditto was the last missing Pokémon in the game, aside from a few powerful Legendary creatures like Mewtwo that will likely be released through special events in the future.
What’s special about Ditto is that it’s a shape-shifter – it masquerades as other Pokémon until it’s caught and then morphs into whatever creature it’s fighting in a gym.
Here’s everything you need to know about catching and fighting with Ditto in Pokémon Go:
Ditto hides as other common Pokémon until you catch one.
Reports are still coming from players about what creatures Ditto hides as, but many have caught the purple blob in the form of Pidgey, Rattata, Magikarp, Spearow, and Zubat.
Some have also caught Ditto from less common Pokémon, like Oddish, Paras, and Pidgeot.
Here's what it looks like when you catch a Ditto:
Managed to get another video of catching Ditto, this time it transformed from a Rattata @trnrtips #PokemonGO #ditto
— WhatUpMC (@WhatUpMC) November 23, 2016
Ditto only has two moves: transform and struggle.
I JUST CAUGHT A DITTO! It was 200 something CP Rattata! HOLYSMOKES from pokemongo
I JUST CAUGHT A DITTO! It was 200 something CP Rattata! HOLYSMOKESpokemongo
What makes Ditto powerful is that it becomes whatever Pokémon you're battling in a gym.
I found Ditto. If you battle with him, he mirrors the enemy gymdefender. from pokemongo
I found Ditto. If you battle with him, he mirrors the enemy gymdefender.pokemongo
Your Ditto will copy the moves of the Pokémon your battling and potentially have a higher CP depending on its health and your trainer level.
Ditto copies the move-sets of whatever Pokémon you're fighting, but it maintains its own health - including how much you've upgraded it with candies and stardust and your personal trainer level.
So even if your Ditto's CP is vastly lower than the Dragonite you're about to fight, it could become stronger than the Dragonite you're facing once it transforms.
The only catch is that it takes a few seconds for Ditto to transform, which gives the Pokémon you're fighting a chance to strike first.
Another catch with Ditto is that it remains the Pokémon it morphs into until it faints or all gym battles are over - even if you switch Pokémon mid-fight.
Fighting two Dittos in a gym isn't that fun because they have nothing to copy and their attacks are weak.
You have to walk 3 kilometers to get a candy from Ditto as your trainer's buddy. Its max CP is 718.
You can catch multiple Dittos. They can also spawn from incense and lures.